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Dater Montessori has instilled a love of learning in thousands of students since its inception in 1986. Our students are often referred to by others as "confident learners," "good citizens" and "strong leaders."

Dater Montessori, previously known as Carson Montessori, began in Price Hill with less than 200 students in kindergarten through third grade. During the summer of 2001, Carson Montessori moved into a newly renovated Dater facility on Boudinot Avenue. 

Today, Dater Montessori continues to be proud to provide one of the most comprehensive, child-centered learning environments in the Cincinnati Public School District. The staff works alongside parents to nurture the ideals of the Montessori Philosophy, including fostering responsibility, self-control, problem-solving and conflict resolution, allowing students to develop into thinking, caring, life-long learners. The program strives to meet the needs of all students. This is made possible through hard work and dedication of the staff, and the tireless efforts of the many involved parents, families and community members.