School Policies
- Attendance Policies
- Bus Safety
- Cell Phone Policy
- Discipline
- Dress Code
- Gator Fist Bump Stickers
- School Fees
- Snow Days and School Delays
- Visiting During School Hours
Attendance Policies
As a reminder, our hours are:
- School Hours: 9:10 a.m. - 3:40 p.m.
- Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Tardy Procedures
Students that arrive at school after 9:10 a.m. must report to the office for a tardy slip. Parents of students that are consistently late to school will be held accountable for their child's attendance. Our school social worker will investigate excessive tardiness or absenteeism as defined by state and local laws as well as school district policies for attendance.
Absence Procedures
If your child is going to be absent from school for any reason, parents must call the attendance line (513) 363-0923 and report the absence by 10:00 a.m. If we do not receive a call the day of the absence, we will call your home to verify the absence. This policy is for your child's safety. Please help us minimize unnecessary phone calls by letting us know of absences. Chronic absenteeism will be investigated by the school social worker at the discretion of the principal. Parents that fail to improve a child's poor attendance may be cited in court and a judge will assign corrective measures. Any child who is absent from school is not permitted to attend any afterschool event such as a dance, try-out, or enrichment class.
To report an absent child, call the school office or email us using this Absence Reporting Form.
Bus Safety
Student behavior that distracts bus drivers is a hazard to the vehicle's safe operation, and jeopardizes the safety and welfare of all passengers. Misbehavior while on a yellow school bus or a Metro bus can result in disciplinary action for the student or the suspension of transportation service for the student.
Read more about our requirements for student behavior on buses.
Cell Phone Policy
Cell phones and electronic devices are not necessary for school. Children are only allowed to have electronic devices during morning arrival in the auditorium. Children bring devices at their own risk. All devices must be turned off and put in their book bag at the first bell. All devices that are seen after 9:10 a.m. will be taken from the student. Parents or guardians will be asked to retrieve electronic devices at their earliest convenience.
Review CPS' Code of Conduct for disciplinary procedures.
Dress Code
Students at Dater Montessori are expected to dress in a manner that is not distracting to the learning process. We ask that all parents review the following guidelines for their children and ensure that they come to school properly dressed.
- Sweatshirts are permitted, although hoods should not be worn in the building.
- Hats, bandannas, kerchiefs or other headgear are not to be worn in the building.
- Spaghetti straps, tube tops or any shirts that expose the midriff area are not allowed.
- Shorts that are an appropriate length (not to be shorter than half of the distance from the upper leg and knees) can be worn throughout the school year.
- Pants must be held up with a belt. Undergarments should not be showing.
- Clothing with profanity or violent messages is prohibited.
- Shoes should be comfortable and enable the student to walk safely about the school grounds.
Gator Fist Bump Stickers
These are two great acknowledgments students can receive for leadership skills:
- A Gator fist bump sticker is given to a student who is caught modeling Dater Expectations.
- The administration reads the names of students who earn the Dater Gator Track Slip (description of exemplary behavior or deed) over the intercom every Wednesday and Friday at the end of the school day.
School Fees
Each family with children in the Cincinnati Public Schools is asked to pay an instructional fee to help cover consumable classroom materials. The fee varies based on income, the number of children in school, and grade levels. Parents will receive a letter explaining this policy during the first week of school.
All fees must be paid in cash or with a money order. Sorry, but we cannot accept checks. Please send any money in an envelope marked with your child's name, room number and the purpose of the payment. Children will be given a receipt.
Fines are charged when students lose or damage any library or textbook that is assigned to them. The amount varies according to the original cost of the book, the condition, age and the extent of the damage. Student progress reports will be withheld for the nonpayment of instructional fees and book fines at the end of the fourth quarter. Fees that accumulate over years will continue to be charged to students. Records will not be released until fees are paid in full.
Snow Days and School Delays
Snow days and school delays are announced on our website, local TV and radio stations, CPS' mobile app, and through automated phone calls. Assume school is open unless you hear otherwise.
Learn more about CPS' severe weather and emergency closing procedures.